March 6, 2009


Professor Candeub Presents Article that Examines Crossover between Healthcare and Law

East Lansing, MI — Michigan State University College of Law Professor Adam Candeub was selected to present his article, "Signals, Warranties, Accountability and Healthcare Effectiveness", at the Consortium on Law and Values in Health, Environment & the Life Science's upcoming 10th Anniversary conference on "What's Next in Law, Health & The Life Sciences? Debating Openness, Access & Accountability" at the University of Minnesota today.

Professor Candeub's article was chosen as one of the best representations of the intersection of law, ethics, and policy implications of the biomedical or life sciences. The article examines how law prevents the development of powerful and credible signals on which consumers can rely to determine which providers offer the best care. It argues that health care providers must specify and guarantee some type of outcome, which would of course vary with the patient and/or condition. This contractual regime would (i) allow providers to signal quality by offering more expansive warranties and (ii) correct incentives for physicians, only paying them when they provide what they promise.

At MSU Law, Professor Candeub serves as acting director of the Intellectual Property & Communications Law Program and teaches courses on communications law. His scholarly interests focus on regulated industries. He also publishes in the area of criminal law. For more information on his publications and research, visit his profile.

MSU College of Law was in founded in 1891 as the Detroit College of Law and was devoted exclusively to professional education in law. The Law College is one of only a few private law schools to be affiliated with a research university, enabling it to provide a comprehensive interdisciplinary legal education program. Classes offered in its state-of-the-art facilities provide students the benefits of a Big Ten campus while maintaining a small school culture. For more information about the Law College, visit


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East Lansing, MI 48824