April 22, 2009
Professor Lawrence Cited in Ninth Circuit Case
East Lansing, MI — Michigan State University College of Law Professor Michael Lawrence has been cited in the recently decided Ninth Circuit case, Nordyke v. King (fn.5), which involves the incorporation of the Second Amendment to apply to the States.
Professor Lawrence along with Professors Michael Kent Curtis (Wake Forest University School of Law), Richard Aynes (University of Akron School of Law), William Van Alstyne (The College of William & Mary Law School), argued in an amicus brief in Nordyke in favor of the 14th amendment privileges or immunities clause approach to applying the Second Amendment to the States. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals did rule the Second Amendment is selectively incorporated to apply to the States and acknowledged their argument in footnote 5 (citing to Professor Lawrence's Missouri Law Review article).
For more information on the Ninth Circuit Court's ruling and Professor Lawrence's amicus brief, visit his Progressive Liberty Blog.
MSU College of Law was in founded in 1891 as the Detroit College of Law and was devoted exclusively to professional education in law. The Law College is one of only a few private law schools to be affiliated with a research university, enabling it to provide a comprehensive interdisciplinary legal education program. Classes offered in its state-of-the-art facilities provide students the benefits of a Big Ten campus while maintaining a small school culture. For more information about the Law College, visit
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