The address you provide here will be used for all communications related to the selection process. You are responsible for providing timely written notice of any change to your address or telephone number.
(Though you are not bound to follow the plan submitted here, please fill out as completely as possible.)
* In 2016 the faculty changed the name of Advanced Topics in Indian Law classes to specific class names, including but not limited to, Tribal Law, American Indian Children and the Law, International and Comparative Perspectives on Indigenous Peoples, and Gaming Law. If you have a question if a class fulfills this requirement, please email Kate Fort at
If you are NOT taking the Center Class for this requirement, please also fill out this Internship Form (PDF) and return it to Kate Fort.
Practice Experience requirement will be fulfilled by:
* Selected students may participate for up to two semesters (6 credits) in the Center, although only one semester (3 credits) is required for the Certificate Program.