MSU Law Team Battles to the Finish in the ABA Commercial Arbitration Competition
An MSU Law arbitration competition team finished strong in the American Bar Association (ABA) Arbitration Regionals, securing a spot in the nationals in early 2024. Topping eleven other teams during two preliminary rounds, the MSU Law team of Jake Babbish (3L), Justine Guilana (2L), Serena Ishwar (3L), and Olivia Reid (2L) finished second and, as regional finalists, have earned a trip to Chicago for the national competition in January.
(L-R) Serena Ishwar, Justine Guliana, Olivia Reid, Jake Babbish
“I am extremely proud of what these students accomplished in a very short time frame,” said Mary A. Bedikian, Professor in Residence & Director of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Program. “These students worked hard to prepare for this weekend. Going to Texas to compete is always dicey since Texas schools dominate and excel in advocacy championships. The MSU Law team, comprised of two 3Ls and two 2Ls, beat out both South Texas teams to advance to the final round, a very impressive feat.”
The second team that competed at the ABA Arbitration Regionals swept their first round and, despite a hard fought and impressive presentation, lost in the semifinals. The team included Captain Oliva Elby (3L), Sophia Yousif (2L), Wesley Levine (3L), and Cole Scheible (2L).
“It is rare for a coach to ‘coach’ two extraordinary teams. That the second MSU Law team came so close to advancing, on extremely competitive turf in Houston, Texas, showcases the team’s resiliency, strong advocacy, and seamless teamwork,” said Professor Bedikian. “I am fortunate that at least two of the students on this team will return next year. By all objective standards, they will be a powerhouse – ready to compete against the best and brightest.”
The ABA Law Student Division Arbitration Competition “promotes greater knowledge in arbitration by simulating a realistic arbitration hearing. Participants prepare and present an arbitration case, including opening statements, witness examinations, exhibit introductions, evidentiary presentations, and summations,” according to the ABA website. Teams consist of four JD candidates, “two students play the lawyers, and two students play the witnesses for their side in each round.” The topic for the 2023-2024 competition season is Product Liability/Torts & Sports.