Supreme Court Appoints MSU Law Alum Annette Berry to Wayne County Business Court
By Jake Jenkins
Dec. 6, 2022
Judge Annette Berry, ’88, was recently appointed to serve on the bench of the Wayne County Business Court in the Third Judicial Circuit Court by the Michigan Supreme Court.
Judge Berry was first elected to the bench in 2000. Since 2013, Judge Berry has served in the Civil Division having previously served in the Criminal Division.
Berry joined the Office of the Michigan Attorney General after being appointed as an Assistant Attorney General by Frank J. Kelly in 1988. During her distinguished career with the Department of Attorney General, Judge Berry served as Legal Counsel for the Department of Licensing and Regulation, Department of Education, Department of Consumer and Industry Affairs/Insurance and Banking Division, and the Department of Secretary of State. For nearly eight years, she served as a prosecutor in the Criminal Division, specializing in white collar, economic and conspiracy crimes. She was also the chief prosecutor for gaming prosecutions from Detroit casinos during that time.
Since 2008, Judge Berry serves as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Michigan-Dearborn where her courses include Ethics, Criminal Law, and Comparative Criminal Justice Systems in the Criminology & Criminal Justice Program. She formerly taught as an adjunct professor for the Ave Maria School of Law in Naples, FL.
During her time at Michigan State College of Law, Berry was involved in Moot Court competitions and was the recipient of the Ralph Rose/Helper Award. She received her undergraduate degree from University of Michigan in 1983.