MSU College of Law Welcomes the Class of 2024
On August 18, the incoming class of MSU Law students arrived on campus for their first day of law school and Summer Immersion programming.
The Class of 2024 includes 236 students, who join the College of Law from 113 undergraduate institutions, 29 states (including the District of Columbia) – with 51% of the class coming from Michigan – and four countries (Canada, South Korea, India, and China).
Among them are veterans, first-generation college students, Eagle Scouts, politicians and police officers, former student athletes, and multilingual individuals. One student is already a congressionally recognized advocate; another helped found an organization that focuses on the environmental issues impacting Michigan’s Great Lakes; and one has a world title in competitive horseback riding.
Dean Linda Sheryl Greene welcomed this unique group of students – her first incoming class since she assumed the role as dean of MSU Law on June 1, 2021:
“I will be meeting in small groups with your entire class for lunches where I’ll get to know you. I want to hear how law school is going, what brought you to law school, what your dream job is, share your playlists with me – though mine might not be quite the same as yours. We’re looking for a lifelong relationship with you. […] We really look forward – not only to your accomplishments in law school – to what you do when you leave our doors and go into your communities, the state, the nation, and the world. There’s so much work to be done and there’s always room for a transformative lawyer. We hope you will play that role throughout your lifetime.”
Also present to greet the students were Assistant Dean of Diversity and Equity Services Mary A. Ferguson, Assistant Dean of the Academic Success Program Goldie Pritchard, Assistant Dean of Student and Academic Affairs Abijah Taylor, and Director of the John F. Schaefer Law Library Jane Meland. They shared optimistic messages and extended their services and support to the students as they begin their careers at MSU Law.
“I want to welcome you, and to let you know that you are welcome here,” Assistant Dean Ferguson said during her remarks.
Students attended their first law classes with their sections, led by Professors Catherine Grosso, Barbara O’Brien, and Matthew L.M. Fletcher, and closed out the day with MSU Law’s annual Legal Knowledge Championship. The friendly competition tests their legal knowledge and offers students the opportunity to bond with their classmates of the next three years on day one of law school.
Classes begin for all law students at MSU on August 23, 2021. We can’t wait to see what this new class and our returning students accomplish this year.
Welcome here. Welcome back. Welcome home, future Spartan lawyers!