Reference Desk: 517-432-6870
Circulation Desk: 517-432-6860
Using the Service
All library patrons are invited to utilize Law Library E-Mail Reference. You may send your question to the Reference Team via the convenient form below. A librarian will typically respond via e-mail within 24 hours, depending upon the complexity of the question, the volume of mail received and the Reference Desk schedule. When classes are not in session the service may be temporarily suspended or abbreviated.
Scope of the Service
Law Library E-Mail Reference Librarians can assist you as you do your legal research, but we cannot do research for you, nor will we offer legal advice. We can help you identify and locate sources, suggest possible research plans, and suggest outside resources if necessary. If the scope of a question is too broad for the service, you may be referred to an appropriate subject specialist librarian for further consultation.