GFL Summer Conference
Please join the Global Food Law (GFL) community for the GFL Summer Conference, “Debating the Future of Global Food Law” on May 28-30, 2024, on the campus of Michigan State University.
Law. Science. Industry. Consumers.
The Current Issues in Global Food Law conference explores the interconnectedness, relationships and impact of food law, food science, industry, and consumers. Bringing together members of industry and the regulatory world as well as students, alumni, and faculty, this year’s topic, “Debating the Future of Global Food Law,” will explore diverse perspectives on the future of food law. Conference attendees include MSU Law students in the Global Food Law program, alumni, and leaders in the food industry seeking to expand their knowledge and networks.
Keynote speakers, moderated panels, and concurrent sessions will look at each topic from a variety of perspectives. Time for questions and dialogue have been built into each session. Breaks, concurrent sessions, strategy sessions, and evening social events are designed to facilitate networking and expansion of circles of influence.
Come be part of the conversation.
Listen, learn, and contribute your voice to the dialogue that's shaping the future of this rapidly evolving industry.