2022-2023 Academic Year
Tuition In-State | $41,040 | Tuition Out-State | $45,600 |
Fees | $224 | Fees | $224 |
Books | $3,072 | Books | $3,072 |
Room and Board | $14,652 | Room and Board | $14,652 |
Transportation/ Personal/Misc. | $4,220 | Transportation/ Personal/Misc. | $4,220 |
Medical | $0 | Medical | $0 |
Technology Support | $2,000 | Technology Support | $2,000 |
TOTAL | $65,208 | TOTAL | $69,768 |
1L students should add $200 for the RWA Lab fee (total budget would be $61,724/$66,284).
3L students should add $625 for an average bar exam fee (total budget would be $62,149/$66,284).