John W. Reifenberg, Jr.

Professor of Law

Law College Building
648 N. Shaw Lane Rm 357
East Lansing, MI 48824-1300

Prior to joining the faculty in 1978, Professor Reifenberg was an Instructor at Southern Methodist University Law School, and Assistant Professor of Law at Nova University Law School. Professor Reifenberg is the Executive Director of the Center for Canadian-United States Law and Chair of the International and Comparative Law Program at the Law College. He was the author of the 1987 Jessup International Moot Court Problem. During the 1990-91 academic year, Professor Reifenberg was a Fulbright Fellow at Wuhan University Law School in the People's Republic of China. He teaches Torts, International Law, International Business Transactions, and various comparative law courses.

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Graduate Fellow, Yale
J.D. University of Denver
A.B. Brown University